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/ Aminet 34 / Aminet 34 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1999].iso / Aminet / demo / aga / wpz-frozen20.lha / frozen20 / bonus / sea-boso.lha / sea-boso.txt
Text File  |  1999-09-15  |  137KB  |  2,189 lines

  1. s0f!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
  2.            ._____.
  3.  _________ |¯    :      ________[staff] prefix/appendix - ufok/appendix
  4. |¯    __ /_|   __|____._\   ___/      [MASTER] madbart/appendix
  5. |______(       \__   ¬:    __>___:___________________ ___ _
  6.      /¯          /         \    ¯|
  7.     /      .    /       _      _  [a1240T/603e/240MHz/quantum 1.3gb/4*cdrom]
  8.    /_______:---/______.-)______(------------------------------------- -- -
  9.                           _______   ________   ________   _________.______
  10.  [node 0] +48-91-4879493 /¯  ___/_._\   ___/ ._\  ____/_._\  _    ¬·      |
  11.        _ ___ __________._\____   ¬:    ___>  :    \    ¬:   /______.      |
  12. [open]                 |     /         \                      ¯\nd!:______:
  13.    22-13/week 22-10 cet  _          _          _          _     \  |¯     |
  14. - ------- -------------:-)________.-)________.-)________:-)______\ |______|
  15.  [node 1] telnet
  16.  [node 2] telnet  [appendix] [pic saint loup] [da jormas] [teklords]
  17.                   [floppy] [kore] [linear] [old bulls] [sative mea]
  18.                   [dinx project] [mawi]
  20.                                 _____________________
  21.                      ]          |                    |
  22.                      ]          |                    |
  23.                      ]          |                    |      ___
  24.          gdzies w okraglych zakamarkach naszej swiadomosci |   }
  25.                      ]          |                    |     |___|
  26.                      ]          |                    | __________
  27.                      ]          |                    ||          |
  28.                      ]          |                    ||          |
  29.                      ]          |                    ||          |
  30.                      ]          |                    ||__________|
  31.                      ]__________|____________________|______
  32.                                 |                    |      ]
  33.                                 |____________________|      ]
  34.           /\                                                ]
  35.     __   /  \ ______                                        ]
  36.     \  //    \\    /                                        ]
  37.      \//      \\  //\      ________jest takie miejsce_______]
  38.       /        \\/         ]
  39.      /          \          ]
  40.     /____________\         ]            _
  41.                            ]           (_)   __
  42.                            ]        ____   O )_)
  43.                            ]       (____)    _____
  44.  gdzie boimy sie...________]              . (_____|
  45.                    ]                    .
  46.                    ]
  47.                    ]
  48.                    ]
  49.                    ]
  50.                    ]
  51.  czasem  __________]_________________________________przebywac wogule.
  52.                                                                ]
  53.                                                                ]
  54.                  /\                                            ]
  55.                 /  \                                           ]
  56.           _____/    \______                                    ]
  57.           \               /                                    ]
  58.            \             /  __/\__                             ]
  59.            /             \  \    /             ________________]
  60.           /____      _____\ /_  _\             ]
  61.                \    /         \/               ]
  62.                 \  /   /\                      ]
  63.          ________\/___/  \__________boimy sie tego miejsca swiadomie...
  64.         [          \        /
  65.         [          /__    __\
  66.         [             \  /
  67.         [              \/
  68.         [
  69.         [
  70.         [
  71.  jagby spodziewajac sie...
  72.         ]
  73.         ]
  74.         ]
  75.         ]                             __________ze dowiemy sie czegos...
  76.         ]                            |      ]
  77.         ]____________________________|      ]
  78.                                             ]
  79.            ____________                     ]
  80.           |  ________  |                    ]
  81.           | |  ____  | |   ___              ]
  82.           | | |  _ | | |  |   |    __       ]
  83.           | | | |__| | |  |___|___|__|      ]
  84.           | | |______| |      |   |         ]
  85.           | |__________|      |             ]
  86.           |___________________|____         ]
  87.                               |    |        ]_______o sobie samym
  88.                               |____|        ]
  89.        _____________________________________]
  90.       ]
  91.       ]
  92.       ]
  93.       ]
  94.       ]
  95.  chcielibysmy tego ale....
  96.       ]                                  _________ boimy sie ze to nas zgubi
  97.       ]                                  ]
  98.       ]                                  ]
  99.       ]__________________________________]
  100.                                  ]
  101.                                  ]
  102.                                  ]
  103.                                  ]
  104.        __________________ze zatracimy poczucie swojej wlasnej realnosci
  105.        ]
  106.        ]                                      _______
  107.        ]                                     |       |  _
  108.        ]                                     |       | | |  _
  109.        ]                                     |       | |_| |_|
  110.        ]                                     |       |  ____
  111.        ]___realnosci ktora dla nas...        |       | |    |
  112.          ]                                   |       | |    |
  113.          ]                                   |_______| |    |
  114.          ]                                  _______    |____|
  115.          ]                                 |_______|
  116.          ]
  117.          ]
  118.          ]_________________________________________
  119.                                                    ]
  120.                                                    ]
  121.                                                    ]
  122.                       niewielkie ma znaczenie _____]
  123.                          ]
  124.                          ]
  125.                          ]
  126.                          ]
  127.                          ]
  128.                          ]
  129.                          ]
  130.           coz bowiem znaczy otaczajaca nas rzeczywistosci
  131.                                                 ]
  132.                                                 ]
  133.                                                 ]
  134.                                                 ]
  135.                                                 ]
  136.                                                 ]
  137.      ___________________________________________]
  138.     ]
  139.     ]
  140.     ]
  141.     ]
  142.     ]
  143.     ]
  144.     ]                  w obliczu oderwania sie....
  145.     ]____________________]
  146.                          ]
  147.                          ]
  148.                          ]
  149.                          ]
  150.                          ]
  151.          /\              ]__________________________
  152.    ___  /  \ ___                                   ]
  153.    \  //    \\  /                                  ]
  154.     \//      \\//\                                 ]
  155.      /        \                                    ]
  156.     /__________\                         szybowania....
  157.                                           ]
  158.                                           ]
  159.         __________________________________]
  160.         ]
  161.         ]                                 _________
  162.         ]                                |         |
  163.         ]                                |         |
  164.         ]                                |         |   ____
  165.         ]                                |         |  |    |
  166.         ]                                |         |  |    |
  167.         ]_______________unoszenia....    |         |  |____|
  168.                       ]                  |_________|  _
  169.                       ]                              | |
  170.                       ]                              |_|
  171.                       ]
  172.                       ]                                 _______ utleniania...
  173.                       ]                                ]
  174.                       ]                                ]
  175.              _________]________________________________]
  176.              ]
  177.              ]
  178.              ]
  179.              ]
  180.              ]
  181.              ]__________ zgrabnego poruszania sie po ciemnych...
  182.                                                        ]
  183.                                _                       ]
  184.          _______________      |_|                      ]
  185.         |               | ___                          ]
  186.         |               ||___|                         ]
  187.         |               |  _____                       ]
  188.         |               | |     |                      ]
  189.         |               | |_____|                      ]
  190.         |_______________|                              ]
  191.                                                        ]
  192.                _________________________________ miejscach
  193.                ]
  194.                ]
  195.                ]
  196.                ]
  197.                ]
  198.                ]
  199.                ]____obcych ale znajomych______________
  200.                                                       ]
  201.                ,                                      ]
  202.                                                       ]
  203.         .  O  _                                       ]
  204.         ____ (_)                                      ]
  205.        (____)                                         ]
  206.                                                       ]
  207.          ____________________________ strasznych ale wielce przyjaznych
  208.          ]
  209.          ]
  210.          ]
  211.          ]
  212.          ]
  213.          ]
  214.          ]
  215.          ]________   dziwnego tego poczatki  _________________
  216.                                                              ]
  217.                                                              ]
  218.                   ...                                        ]
  219.      ............ :.:                                        ]
  220.      :          :                                            ]
  221.      :          : .....                                      ]
  222.      :          : :   :          w koncu okazuja sie ... ____]
  223.      :          : :...:          ]
  224.      :..........:                ]
  225.                                  ]
  226.                                  ]
  227.                                  ]
  228.                                  ]
  229.         kuszaco zapraszajace_____]
  230.         ]
  231.         ]
  232.         ]
  233.         ]
  234.         ]___________________________________ powabne i zmyslowe
  235.                                                              ]
  236.          _                                                   ]
  237.         |_| __                                               ]
  238.      ____  |__|                                              ]
  239.     |    |                                                   ]
  240.     |____| o                                                 ]
  241.                                                              ]
  242.                                                              ]
  243.              ________________________________________________]
  244.              ]
  245.              ]
  246.              ]
  247.        oraz cudownie....
  248.              ]
  249.              ]
  250.              ]
  251.              ]
  252.              ]
  253.              ]
  254.              ]
  255.              ]
  256.              ]
  257.              ]
  258.              ]_ciche____________        _
  262.                         ¼¼¼¼
  263.                         ¼¼¼¼
  264. Rose...                 ¼¼¼¼  Kim ty jestes?
  265. Jestem czlowiekiem.     ¼¼¼¼  Nie! Jestes jednym z nich! Jednym z tych stworow
  266.                         ¼¼¼¼  z moca jak tamten ktory byl tutaj podczas strajku.
  267.                         ¼¼¼¼  Moze wygladasz i zachowujesz sie ja czlowiek, ale
  268.                         ¼¼¼¼  nim nie jestes!
  269.                         ¼¼¼¼  Poniewaz czlowiek....mozna widziec jaki jest.
  270.                         ¼¼¼¼  Wie sie co czlowiek moze, a czego czego nie moze.
  271.                         ¼¼¼¼  Nie wiem kim ty jestes!
  272.                         ¼¼¼¼  Czy kiedykolwiek wiedzialabym, odpowiedz mi!
  273. Nie, Rose                ¼¼¼¼
  274. Nie wiem, czy bys       ¼¼¼¼
  275. potrafila.              ¼¼¼¼
  276.                         ¼¼¼¼  No, to... do zobaczenia w Nowym Yorku, stary!
  277. Jestem tylko czlowie-   ¼¼¼¼
  278. kiem. Ograniczonym i    ¼¼¼¼
  279. niedoskonalym.          ¼¼¼¼
  280. Ale serdeczny palec     ¼¼¼¼
  281. mojej prawej reki pro-  ¼¼¼¼
  282. wadzi do nieskonczonosci ¼¼¼¼
  283.                         ¼¼¼¼
  284. I tak dlugo jak zielona ¼¼¼¼
  285. moc plynie tym kanalem  ¼¼¼¼
  286. zawsze bede kims wiecej ¼¼¼¼
  287. I kims mniej od czlo-   ¼¼¼¼
  288. wieka.                  ¼¼¼¼
  289.                         ¼¼¼¼
  290. Ale jako czlowiek, czy  ¼¼¼¼
  291. nie, nigdy nie pozostane ¼¼¼¼
  292. calkowicie samotny...   ¼¼¼¼
  293.                         ¼¼¼¼
  294. ...dopukie jest prze -  ¼¼¼¼
  295. demna droga.            ¼¼¼¼
  296.                         ¼¼¼¼
  297.                         ¼¼¼¼
  298.                         ¼¼¼¼
  299.                         ¼¼¼¼
  300. ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼
  301.                         ¼¼¼¼
  302.                         ¼¼¼¼  Kiedy koczasz droge bardziej od miejsc
  303.                         ¼¼¼¼  polozonych wzdluz niej, czasami musisz nia
  304.                         ¼¼¼¼  isc, az sie skonczy...
  305.                         ¼¼¼¼  ...az do morza.
  306.                         ¼¼¼¼
  307.                         ¼¼¼¼  Czasem podazasz jakas droga przez lata, a ona
  308.                         ¼¼¼¼  nagle urywa sie sie przed toba.
  309.                          ¼¼¼¼
  310. Czasami podazasz jakas  ¼¼¼¼
  311. droga przez lata, a ona ¼¼¼¼
  312. nagle urywa sie przed   ¼¼¼¼
  313. toba.                   ¼¼¼¼
  314.                         ¼¼¼¼
  315. ¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼¼
  316.                         ¼¼¼¼
  317. Tam gdzie znajduje sie  ¼¼¼¼
  318. twoj cel, widnieje      ¼¼¼¼
  319. jedynie czelusc.        ¼¼¼¼
  320.                          ¼¼¼¼
  321.                         ¼¼¼¼   Odrzutowiec.
  322.                         ¼¼¼¼
  323. Kiedy na nim startujesz ¼¼¼¼
  324. przed toba rozciaga sie ¼¼¼¼
  325. droga ku nieskonczonosci¼¼¼¼
  326.                         ¼¼¼¼
  327.                         ¼¼¼¼ Ale kiedy pokonasz ostatni szczyt, widzisz
  328.                         ¼¼¼¼ jedynie czelusc.
  329.                         ¼¼¼¼
  330.                         ¼¼¼¼         ...............................
  331.                         ¼¼¼¼        :::                             :
  332.                          ¼¼¼¼       :::                             :
  333. A kiedy do niej         ¼¼¼¼        :::                             :
  334. dojdziesz, nie ma juz   ¼¼¼¼        :::                             :
  335. dokad isc...            ¼¼¼¼ _  s  a  t  i  v  e     m   e   a ______
  336.     __________  __________  ________:::  ______  _____         _______
  337.   ._\   _____/__\       _/__\__     /_ __\    /__\   /________ \   __/__ __.
  338.   |  \____          __        /__ ____\   \__/    \          /  \   ___/_  |
  339.   |       \/        _/                             \        /      /    \  |
  340.   |__         ______|     _____        ____/    ____\__    /______/      \_|
  341.    /__________\-----|_____\---/________\--/_____|-----/___/------/________\
  342.                               ___  _______     __________      az0!/sea
  343.   wicked knights of  ______  /   \_\   __/__ __\       _/__.
  344.   s------mall lines |      \/       \   ___/_      __      |  'bout ascii we
  345.                     |      /   _       /    \      _/      | know almost all
  346.                     |___\      \______/      \_____|     __|        .
  347.                      ----\_/____\----/________\----|_____\-         :
  348.         -------------------------------------------------           :
  349.       is proud to presents u next ascii travell handtyped by:       :
  350.         ----------------------------:--------------------           :
  351.       ___   ___         ______      :_______    ____        ____    :
  352.     ./   \ /   \. __  _|     7__   _( ___  (_ _|   (____  _|   (____·
  353.     |     X     ||__||      /   \./    \/    | ____/    \| ____/    \.
  354.     ¯\___/ \___/¯    |_____/_____|_____/_____|___________|___________|
  355.     ----------------------------------------------------------b|z'sea-
  356.                          «((( ... XBALL ... )))»                    .
  357.                       ------------------------------                :
  358.                            today they name is:                      :
  359.                     ----------------------------------              :
  360.        ___   __ ______  ¼¼¼¼    ____:::_________________            :
  361.     __(  /___\          ¼¼¼¼        :::               _/            :
  362.                         ¼¼¼¼        :::               l             :
  363.                         ,      ·     ::               |             :
  364.    _______          --- |------|-----                 ·             .
  365.   /      /          --- |      |----------      -×6L's3a~       ________
  366.  /    __/________ __________ _______:________ _______           \       \
  367.       \__       /-\    _    \\      l       //   ____|__ ________\___    \
  368.  _     T/     _/       \      \     .      /      _l     \        __/
  369. //_   ________\ __            ______|      \              \       \T      __ _
  370.    ______         /__________       |_______\ -----------  /______________\_\\\
  371.   /   __/_______        |      |                      |             :
  372.   \_____       /_______ |   ________      ..........  |             ·
  373.       /       //   ____|__ _|       |_   ::::      :: |           .........
  374.      /______ /      _l     \_       _/   ::::      :: .........  ::::     ::
  375.     /                       T       |    ::::      :: ::::    :: ::::.....::
  376.  _            -------_----- |  _____|    ·:::......:· ::::    :: ::::
  377.  \\÷ BOXED SET ONE ÷//  |   |                         ::::    :: ·:::......
  378.    \---------------/    |      |                      ::::    ::    .
  379.   ___                -- |------|---                   .             :
  380.     /_____ ______\-------------------/               _|             :
  381.                                     /________________\              :
  382.                         ¼¼¼¼                                        :
  383. -- -----------------  - ¼¼¼¼   ------ ----------------------------   ----   -
  384. boxedsetoneboxedsetone  ¼¼¼¼ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  385. --------- ------ ----   ¼¼¼¼   -------------------------------------------
  386.                         ¼¼¼¼        ::: --------------------------- : ---
  387.                          ¼¼¼¼       :::                             ·
  388.                         ¼¼¼¼        :::                             :
  389.                         ¼¼¼¼        :::                             :
  390.                         ¼¼¼¼        :::                    ¦        :                    ¦
  391.                         ¼¼¼¼        :::                   ¦         :                  ¦¦
  392.                         ¼¼¼¼        :::                   ¦         :                 ¦¦¦
  393.                         ¼¼¼¼        :::                  ¦¦         :               ¦¦¦¦¦
  394.                         ¼¼¼¼        :::                 ¦¦¦         :            ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  395.                         ¼¼¼¼        :::¦                ¦¦¦         :          ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  396.                         ¼¼¼¼        :::¦              ¦¦¦¦¦         :       ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  397.                          ¼¼¼¼       ·::¦¦...........  ¦¦¦¦¦ ........·     ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  398.                         ¼¼¼¼           ¦¦            ¦¦¦¦¦¦             ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  399.                         ¼¼¼¼           ¦¦      ¦    ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦           ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  400.  ,---.______                                        ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦         ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦·
  401. _|         ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  402. \_   Ok.guys we have next chapter of small lines eh as always        |¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  403.  |   under the one and the only mastakilla crew.                     |¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  404. .|   It's my third one sponsored by SEA company anyway this colly    |¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  405. ||   is smaller than the last one why? I don't know ehehehe..        |¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  406. ||   BTW soon cooperation bewtwen me and bla.. Renton [Blunton;)]    |¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  407. ||-/ will come out! catch your breath and wait for next SEA releases.|¦¦¦¦¦¦
  408. · /          _                             _                         |¦¦¦¦
  409.  /-----------\\__XBALL.SATIVEMEA_in_1999__//_________________________|¦¦
  410.                                       ¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦    ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  411.                          ¦            ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦    ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
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  415.                          ¦¦      ¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  416.                         ¦¦¦     ¦¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  417.                         ¦¦¦     ¦ ¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
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  419.                 ¦¦      ¦¦¦¦   ¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  420.                  ¦¦     ¦¦¦¦   ¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
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  422.                   ¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦     ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦   ¦¦
  423.                   ¦¦¦¦   ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦        ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  424.                    ¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦        ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦
  425.                     ¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦       ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦
  426.                  ¦   ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦       ¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  427.                   ¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦   ¦  ¦¦    ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  428.                    ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦       ¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  429.                     ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦        ¦¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  430.                        ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦          ¦¦¦¦     ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  431.                          ¦·   ¦¦            ¦¦¦¦     ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  432.                          ¦  ¦¦¦             ¦¦¦¦        ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  433.                          ¦ ¦¦               ¦¦¦¦           ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  434.                          ¦¦                ¦¦¦¦¦             ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  435.                         ¦¦                ¦¦  ¦¦                 ¦¦¦¦¦
  436.                        ¦¦¦              ¦¦¦   ¦¦                   ¦¦¦¦
  437.                       ¦¦ ¦¦_           ¦¦¦¦   ¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦     ¦¦       ¦¦¦
  438.                     ¦¦      ¦¦.       ¦¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦            ¦
  439.                   ¦¦    ¼    ·¦¦¦,,  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
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  441.                         ¼¼¼         ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  442.                         ¼¼¼%        ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  443.                         ¼¼¼%       ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  444.                         ¼¼¼%       ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  445.                         ¼¼¼%       ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  446.                         ¼¼¼%        ¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  447.                         ¼¼¼%        ¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  448.                         ¼¼¼%        ¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  449.                         ¼¼¼%        ¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  450.                         ¼¼¼%        ¦¦    ¦¦¦¦¦¦    ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  451.                         ¼¼¼%              ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦      ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  452.                         ¼¼¼%               ¦¦¦¦¦¦            ¦¦¦
  453.                         ¼¼¼%                ¦¦¦¦¦¦
  454.                         ¼¼¼%                 ¦¦¦¦¦
  455. _______________________ ¼¼¼% ______           ¦¦¦¦¦
  456. ----------------------- ¼¼¼% ----------        ¦¦¦¦
  457.                         ¼¼¼%                     ¦¦
  458.                         ¼¼¼¼
  459.                         ¼¼¼¼
  460.                         ¼¼¼¼
  461.                         ¼¼¼¼
  462. ----------------------- ¼¼¼¼ --------  -
  463. -- -----------------  - ¼¼¼¼   ------ ----------------------------   ----   -
  464. boxedsetoneboxedsetone  ¼¼¼¼ boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  465. --------- ------ ----   ¼¼¼¼   -------------------------------------------
  466.  . i n d e x . ______  ___________          ________  ____________  ________
  467. _______________\    /__\         /__________\      /__\     ___  /__\      /____
  468.                 \       \       /      ___   \         \     ___/    \    /
  469.                  \/           //       \/                           _
  470. _____________________________/        \_____________________________/     ______
  471.                             /__________\ az0!/sea                  /_______\
  473. amiga .......... the hooligan/dual crew-shining    719    [1]
  474. ash ............ ash.apathy+decree                 307    [2]
  475. azzaro ......... azzaro.mawi+embassy               456    [3]
  476. breathe ........ climber/breathe                  1024    [4]
  477. cefalon ........ swonyo/cefalon                    925    [5]
  478. cefalondiz ..... swonyo/cefalon                    381    [6]
  479. celebration .... renton/floppy+nah+potion         2655    [7]
  480. climber ........ climber/breathe                   868    [8]
  481. contents ....... renton/floppy+nah+potion          854    [9]
  482. decree ......... roover/decree+apathy              976    [1o]
  483.          demos ........... the hooligan/dual crew-shining   675    [11]
  484.          dreams .......... renton/floppy+nah+potion         866    [12]
  485.          dual crew.diz ... the hooligan/dual crew shining   613    [13]
  486.          dualcrewshining.. the hooligan/dual crew-shining  1466    [14]
  487.          dymoza .......... evan/mawi+nah                    625    [15]
  488.          evan ............ evan/mawi+nah                    346    [16]
  489.          five to one ..... renton/floppy+nah+potion        1482    [17]
  490.          grass ........... swonyo/cefalon                   643    [18]
  491.          greenday ........ ash/apathy+decree                787    [19]
  492.          index ........... renton/floppy+nah+potion         977    [2o]
  493. init ........... renton/floppy+nah+potion          467    [21]
  494. korbol ......... swonyo/cefalon                    496    [22]
  495. logos .......... renton/floppy+nah+potion          748    [23]
  496. lothar ......... lothar/moons                      360    [24]
  497. lumen .......... renton/floppy+nah+potion          302    [25]
  498. math ........... renton/floppy+nah+potion          580    [26]
  499. mavey .......... renton/floppy+nah+potion          691    [27]
  500. mawi ........... azzaro/mawi+embassy               466    [28]
  501. music .......... renton/floppy+nah+potion          526    [29]
  502. nahkolor ....... evan/mawi+nah                    1406    [3o]
  503.          nelson ......... renton/floppy+nah+potion          541    [31]
  504.          overview ....... renton/floppy+nah+potion         1063    [32]
  505.          ozone .......... skid/ozone                        378    [33]
  506.          ozonediz ....... skid/ozone                        526    [34]
  507.          pesti .......... evan/mawi+nah                     368    [35]
  508.          potion ......... renton/floppy+nah+potion          751    [36]
  509.          punk ........... ash/apathy+decree                 449    [37]
  510.          raider ......... lothar/moons                      499    [38]
  511.          renton++ ....... renton/floppy+nah+potion         1828    [39]
  512.          roover ......... roover.decree+apathy              704    [40]
  513. skip ......... renton/floppy+nah+potion            512    [41]
  514. sniff ........ voicer/old bulls+void               422    [42]
  515. sniffdiz ..... voicer/old bulls+void              1270    [43]
  516. speed ........ evan/mawi+nah                       507    [44]
  517. technicalinfo. renton/floppy+nah+potion            899    [45]
  518. thehooligan... the hooligan/dual crew-shining      844    [46]
  519. weirdo ....... the hooligan/dual crew-shining      514    [47]
  520. zito ......... zito/offworld                       309    [48]
  522. ---------------------------------------------------
  523. size of pure logos: 60018    number of logos: 48
  524. ---------------------------------------------------
  525. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  526. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  527. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  528. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  529. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  530. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  531.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  532.               of          lp: 1/48              /
  533.            small                               /______  __
  534.           .lines                  __________
  535. ----------------                  forpleasure: the hooligan.dcs
  536. ambiented-                ________________
  537. SEA comapany@99           title: amiga
  538. ----------------     _____________   _
  539.  BOXED                    size: 719       \\------------
  540.    SET                      \            \
  541.   1     __________________\
  542. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  543. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  546.              _ ______
  547.        -×6L  \\\     \            _____ _       ÷ A  M  i  G  A ÷    /\
  548. \_______ _____\    ,_ \ _____    /    /// ___/\____  _________      /  \
  549.  \            /   -\)  \\    \  /        (___   ___)/     ___/____ /    \
  550.   \    __    /          ·     \/             \/     \_  _/        /      \
  551.    \   \____/                       /     _          /__\__      /        \
  552.     \                     \        /______\  _      /    //____ /          \
  553.      \ __ _____      \---- \______/        --/_____/     /     /_           \
  554.       \       /_____  \                     /           ·     ///_  _        \
  555.        \                                                 s3a~       /_________\
  556.         ·
  558. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  559. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  560. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  561.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  562.               of          lp: 2/48              /
  563.            small                               /______  __
  564.           .lines                  __________
  565. ----------------                  forpleasure: ash.apathy+decree
  566. ambiented-                ________________
  567. SEA comapany@99           title: ash
  568. ----------------     _____________   _
  569.  BOXED                    size: 307       \\------------
  570.    SET                      \            \
  571.   1     __________________\
  572. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  573. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  575.                                   ·
  576.                  ______   _______/
  577.            ______)__   \ /    __(____._______
  578.            \_     _/    \\____       |      (_________
  579.             /__________      /      /       /       _/ -×6L.s3a!
  580.           <--A s h !- /___  /______/---/____________\:. <-------------
  581.                            ·
  583. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  584. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  585. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  586.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  587.               of          lp: 3/48              /
  588.            small                               /______  __
  589.           .lines                  __________
  590. ----------------                  forpleasure: azzaro.mawi+embassy
  591. ambiented-                ________________
  592. SEA comapany@99           title: azzaro
  593. ----------------     _____________   _
  594.  BOXED                    size: 456       \\------------
  595.    SET                      \            \
  596.   1     __________________\
  597. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  598. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  600.     _______________   _____    _____
  601.     \     _       /___\_   \___\_   \ _____________ ___________ s3a~
  602.      \    \\     /    _____/   _____/     _       /    _      / __________
  603.       \____\    /       \        \   \    \\     /     /_____/           /
  604.                /________ \ ______ \   \____\    /        \        /     /
  605.          -×6L             \        ·           /  --------\ _  _______ /
  606.                            ·                                          /
  608. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  609. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  610. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  611.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  612.               of          lp: 4/48              /
  613.            small                               /______  __
  614.           .lines                  __________
  615. ----------------                  forpleasure: climber.breathe
  616. ambiented-                ________________
  617. SEA comapany@99           title: breathe
  618. ----------------     _____________   _
  619.  BOXED                    size: 1024      \\------------
  620.    SET                      \            \
  621.   1     __________________\
  622. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  623. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  625.                                   __________                   ____/.
  626.                                 __\        /   ____    ________)  //
  627.                   ___   ______ (_  ·      /----\ _/   _\         /·
  628.                  (_ /---\     \_|                \____|        _/
  629. ÷-- -- -×6L's3a~- _|           \  b re.. at he .               l  ---------- ÷÷
  630.    ______ _    ___\_____  _________  _________  ________ ______·_  _ _________
  631.  ./.  __/_/_ ./   _.   /./    ____///   ._    |/      _//    _///__\/    ____/
  632.  l |_ \__   \¦    \|__/ |    ___/_.|    l/    |       l     |-/    |    ___/_.
  633.  ¦_    l/   _l_    \   \l_   \    ||   _|    _l       ¦     |/   _||_   \    |
  634.   /_________\\/_____\   \/_______ /`---\_____\\_______| ____/     _//________/
  635.                   l_ \___l               _      ·      __\ /______\
  636. - -----    -----   /__   ._    \----|____/       \_____| -----------  -    ------
  637.                      (___|/_____\·      /_________\
  638.                                  \\
  639.                                   \\
  640. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  641. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  642. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  643.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  644.               of          lp: 5/48              /
  645.            small                               /______  __
  646.           .lines                  __________
  647. ----------------                  forpleasure: swonyo.cefalon
  648. ambiented-                ________________
  649. SEA comapany@99           title: cefalon
  650. ----------------     _____________   _
  651.  BOXED                    size: 925       \\------------
  652.    SET                      \            \
  653.   1     __________________\
  654. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  655. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  656.                                                 ·
  657.                                                 |
  658.                                        ____   __|___________i___.
  659. ____________                          |         |           |
  660. \     _____/  __________/__________   |                     |   s3a~
  661.  \_   \_|   //    ____//      ____/    ______  __:____   ___________ _
  662.   / _______       _/   \      _/_______)__   \___l    \ /   _    (___ ,_____
  663.      -×6L /__________ _ \_    | \_      _/    \        \   _\____    \l
  664.                          /____l  /___________           \_            \
  665.                                             /__________ _/    _ ___\      \--
  666.            (   @   F   A   L   0   N                ____.   ·       \______\
  667.                                          _   ___ __.|___|___.
  668.                                                         |
  669.                                                         :
  670. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  671. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  672. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  673.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  674.               of          lp: 6/48              /
  675.            small                               /______  __
  676.           .lines                  __________
  677. ----------------                  forpleasure: swonyo.cefalon
  678. ambiented-                ________________
  679. SEA comapany@99           title: cfn.diz
  680. ----------------     _____________   _
  681.  BOXED                    size: 381       \\------------
  682.    SET                      \            \
  683.   1     __________________\
  684. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  685. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  686.                                 /\
  687.                                /  \
  688.                               /    \
  689.                              /      \  cefalon99
  690.                         ____·_    ___\__
  691.                     ___/  ___/___|  ___/____  ______
  692.                           \|        _/      \|      |
  693.                     __                   \   \      |
  694.                    /_//___________________\        _| s3a~
  695.                   -×6L /      _          · \_______\
  696.                       /_______\           \
  697.                                            \
  698. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  699. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  700. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  701.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  702.               of          lp: 7/48              /
  703.            small                               /______  __
  704.           .lines                  __________
  705. ----------------                  forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn
  706. ambiented-                ________________
  707. SEA comapany@99           title: celebration of the lizard
  708. ----------------     _____________   _
  709.  BOXED                    size: 2655      \\------------
  710.    SET                      \            \
  711.   1     __________________\
  712. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  713. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  714.                                      ]·[
  715.                                 /\   ]¾[
  716.                                /  \
  717.                               /    \ F T
  718.                  A T I O N O /      \, . F T H E
  719.  T H E C E L E B R A T I O N/        ]½[  O F T H E L
  720.                  R A T I O /         ]¾[  N O F T H E L I Z A R D
  721.  T H E C E L E B R A T I  /          ]½[  O N O F T H E L I
  722.                          /           ]¾[· O N O F T H                        .
  723.                         /            ]½[ \O·N·O·F·T·H·E
  724.                        ·             ]½[  \                                  |
  725.              _.__ _   _ _________           ,  ___________    _  __          ;
  726.               |__\\)      |        |--------| (-----------'  (//_|    - ----------
  727.                    /                 ]½[                                     |
  728.   ________  ________  ___.     ________  ______ _    _________  ________.    |
  729.  /  .____///    ___/./   |   ./    ___/./   __/_/_ ./   _.   ///   ._   |    |
  730. ¦   l          __/_.|    |__ |    __/_.l    \__   \¦    \|__/      l/   |    |
  731. |        . _   \_  |¦    l  \l_   \_  |¦_    l/   _l_    \   \    _|   _l    ·
  732. `---/____l /_______/\________|/_______/ /_________\\/_____\   \.--\____\ _\\_|
  733.              ·                        ________ ___ _       \___|
  734.             / ______   ____         ./      _/(__//_)__  ________   ____ _____.
  735.            / ( _____) {_            l       l        _///   _.   \./    \\    |
  736.           /           l             |       ¦_       l      \|    |      \    ¦
  737.   _ __________             _______  \_______l/______/ }      \   _| --\      _l
  738.       |        |--------\ (-------'                   `------/___\\    \_____\
  739.   ___.     ___ _     ______   _______ __ _________        _____
  740. ./   |   .(__//_)____\__   \./   ._   ///   _.   /    ____\__  \.  -×6L's3a!
  741. |    |__ !       ./   ___   |    l/    ¦    \|__/    /    __/   l
  742. |    l  \|_      l_      \--·   _|    _l_    \   \  l_    \l   _¦    .
  743. \_______ |/_____/ /_______\ `---\_____\ /_____\   \.//_________\_\\__|
  744.   ·                                            \___\___|      ·
  745.  /              ___ _                ]½[                       \
  746. /_______________\                    ]½[                        \
  747.                                      ]½[                         \
  748.                 R·A·T·I·O·N·O·F·T·H·E]½[·L·I·             _       \
  749. T H E C E L E B R A T I O N O F T H E]½[ L I Z A R   - ---/        \
  750.     E C E L E B R A T I O N O F T H E]½[ L I Z A R D     /__________\
  751.                 R·A·T·I·O·N·O·F·T·H·E]½[·L·I·Z·A
  752.                                      ]¾[
  753.                                      ]·[
  754. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  755. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  756. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  757.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  758.               of          lp: 8/48              /
  759.            small                               /______  __
  760.           .lines                  __________
  761. ----------------                  forpleasure: climber.breathe
  762. ambiented-                ________________
  763. SEA comapany@99           title: climber
  764. ----------------     _____________   _
  765.  BOXED                    size: 868       \\------------
  766.    SET                      \            \
  767.   1     __________________\
  768. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  769. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  770.                                               /\
  771.                                              /  \
  772.                                             /    \
  773.                                            /      \
  774.                                           /        \
  775.       ________ ___: _____ __ _           /______    \
  776.    _ /  .____//   |(_   //_/  \  _______./     / ____·______ ___________
  777.         |/        |  \/        \/       |   __/__\__    ____\\   _     /
  778.   __              |_        .\    /     |   \__     \  __/       /____/
  779.   \_\\______ ______/ _______|-\__/     _|__  |/    _/____          \ -×6L.s3a~
  780.                                 /______)     /____ \    /____ ____  \
  781.                                /   ·                      \          \
  782.                               ·   /          _         ____\          ·
  783.                                  /___________\
  785. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  786. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  787. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  788.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  789.               of          lp: 9/48              /
  790.            small                               /______  __
  791.           .lines                  __________
  792. ----------------                  forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn
  793. ambiented-                ________________
  794. SEA comapany@99           title: contents
  795. ----------------     _____________   _
  796.  BOXED                    size: 854       \\------------
  797.    SET                      \            \
  798.   1     __________________\
  799. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  800. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  801.                                            /\
  802.                                           /  \
  803.                                          /    \
  804. _ _______                               /      \
  805. //  .___/ ________.____ ,_____________ ·_______.____ ,___________________      ·
  806.     l    /   _   /|    \|    \_     _///   ___/|    \|    \_     _/   __/_____/
  807. __           \       \        T     l      _l     \        T     |\_____     /
  808. _/ ______\        ____\      _|     |         _____\      _|_____|   ·/     /
  809.    -×6L ·/________\  ·:\_____\      · /_______\   ·:\_____\·         /     /
  810.                         \         /                  \        s3a!  /_____/
  811.                          ·       / ·C O N T E N T S·  ·                  /
  812.                                 /       ___ _                           ·
  813.                                /________\
  814. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  815. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  816. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  817.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  818.               of          lp:1o/48              /
  819.            small                               /______  __
  820.           .lines                  __________
  821. ----------------                  forpleasure: roover.decree+apathy
  822. ambiented-                ________________
  823. SEA comapany@99           title: decree
  824. ----------------     _____________   _
  825.  BOXED                    size: 976       \\------------
  826.    SET                      \            \
  827.   1     __________________\
  828. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  829. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  830.                                                               ____
  831.         _ _____                                     _________ \  /
  832. ---- -  \\\    \  _ __________  ..............      \       /  \/
  833. _________\___ _ \-\\\        /_¦¦¦¦         ::       \     //\     · s3a~
  834. \     ______///        _____/  |¦¦¦ _ _____________·  \   /      _ ___________
  835.  \    \ T    .:        _l_\    |¦¦¦ \\\   _       /_ __·________-\\\         /___
  836.   \_   \|       ____       \   |¦¦¦       \______/-\\\         /___    _____/
  837.    /____________\ /            |¦¦¦       _  \           _____/        _l_\
  838.     -×6L       :·/____________ |¦¦¦  :.  (_)  \          _l_\      :.
  839.                                |¦¦¦ ------- -- \ ____            /         __ _
  840.  - --------------------------  |¦¦¦             \ ·/            /_______ _ \_\\\
  841.  decree@999 overseping reality |¦¦¦               /__________ _
  842.                                |¦¦¦        ::
  843.                                `¦¦¦........::
  844. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  845. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  846. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  847.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  848.               of          lp:11/48              /
  849.            small                               /______  __
  850.           .lines                  __________
  851. ----------------                  forpleasure: the hooligan.dcs
  852. ambiented-                ________________
  853. SEA comapany@99           title: demos
  854. ----------------     _____________   _
  855.  BOXED                    size: 675       \\------------
  856.    SET                      \            \
  857.   1     __________________\
  858. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  859. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  860.            _______
  861.    -×6L    \      \
  862.    ________ \__ _  \
  863.   /            \\\ __________   _______ :________  demosy stary, demosy....
  864.   \      _______\     ______/--/       |l        \ ___________    _________
  865.    \     \l          ____/                        \\    _     \--/     ___/_____
  866.     \_         __                    \    /             \      \ \_____        /
  867. _ ___/_________\ ____        _        \  /        __                /     __ _
  868.       \             /________\\------  \/  -------\ /          _   /______\_\\\
  869.        ·                                           /___________\\ /
  870.                                                                  / s3a~
  871. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  872. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  873. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  874.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  875.               of          lp:12/48              /
  876.            small                               /______  __
  877.           .lines                  __________
  878. ----------------                  forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn
  879. ambiented-                ________________
  880. SEA comapany@99           title: dreams
  881. ----------------     _____________   _
  882.  BOXED                    size: 866       \\------------
  883.    SET                      \            \
  884.   1     __________________\
  885. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  886. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  887.                               /\
  888.                              /  \
  889.                             /    \                _
  890.      ______  -  -------  - /      \-------- --  - \/                     ·
  891. -×6L \     \  ___________ /________· ____________, ____;                /
  892.  _____\_    \T     _    ///     ___//    _,      l/    |________ ______/
  893. /     _/     \     \___//       _/       \l     _l     |\      //   __/______
  894. \_    7     _/_     \· _                  \_____\\     l/       \____       /
  895.  /_______ _ \ \\_____\ \\_______________ _ \    _ ____\/         _ //      /
  896.     _            ,  _ \                 \           ·:/_________// /     _/_
  897.     \\ d R E A M ) //  ·          _      \ s3a!                   /______\__\
  898.                               ---//_______\                      /
  899.                                                                 ·
  900. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  901. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  902. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  903.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  904.               of          lp:13/48              /
  905.            small                               /______  __
  906.           .lines                  __________
  907. ----------------                  forpleasure: the hooligan.dcs
  908. ambiented-                ________________
  909. SEA comapany@99           title: dsc.diz
  910. ----------------     _____________   _
  911.  BOXED                    size: 613       \\------------
  912.    SET                      \            \
  913.   1     __________________\
  914. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  915. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  916.         ______  _
  917.         \     \\/
  918.  ________\__   \_ ____________ ____.
  919.  \     ____/    //    .       /  __l__________
  920.   \    \l    :.       |______/\_______       /
  921.    \_     _           l/       _  /     .: _/   __
  922. .___/-----/______\____________// /_________\ ___\  /__
  923. |-- ×6L.s3a -----------÷Dual crew-shining÷-------\/---.
  924. |_                                                    |
  925. ./   Zaloga kapitana iglo is proud to presents:       |_
  926. |                                                     _/
  927. |_                                                    |
  928.  /____________________________________________________\
  930. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  931. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  932. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  933.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  934.               of          lp:14/48              /
  935.            small                               /______  __
  936.           .lines                  __________
  937. ----------------                  forpleasure: the hooligan.dcs
  938. ambiented-                ________________
  939. SEA comapany@99           title: dual crew-shining
  940. ----------------     _____________   _
  941.  BOXED                    size: 1466      \\------------
  942.    SET                      \            \
  943.   1     __________________\
  944. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  945. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  946.                            . ______________
  947.  ÷ D u a l   c r e w       |_              \\|  s h i n i n g ÷
  948.                  ______    _/                |
  949.                  \     \   |                 |        ______
  950.             ______\__   \                    .       /     / -×6L
  951.            /     ___/    \::::  ::::  _____________:/     /
  952.            \     \|      /::::  :::: /     _.      |  ___/__________ _
  953.    ----- -  \       ____/ ::::  ::::/      \|_     |  \             // ----- --
  954.              \-----     _ ::::  ::::         /    _|   \_       _   \
  955.  --- -------  ·      ___\\::::..::::\_______/---- \ ____/ ______\    \ -------
  956.       ___________         ·::::::::·         ·         /
  957.      /         ./        ___________         |
  958.     /    |_____|--______/__        /__________  _______ /\ .________ _
  959.     \_   |/      /        / ______/    ______/--\      /  \|       / /
  960.      /__         \        \          ____/            /    \
  961.        /________ _\    ____\   _                  \    /\          _
  962.                    \       ·   /______________\----\  /  \_________\\
  963.          s3a~  ______      |                        \/
  964.                \__ /_) |_____  . ______  . _______   ______.
  965.                 __)    l   /_) l \_\   ) | \_\    ) (_\____l
  966.                            ·                               |
  967.                            |                 .
  968.                            |_         \------|
  969.                             /__________\
  971. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  972. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  973. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  974.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  975.               of          lp:15/48              /
  976.            small                               /______  __
  977.           .lines                  __________
  978. ----------------                  forpleasure: evan.mawi+nah
  979. ambiented-                ________________
  980. SEA comapany@99           title: dymoza
  981. ----------------     _____________   _
  982.  BOXED                    size: 625       \\------------
  983.    SET                      \            \
  984.   1     __________________\
  985. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  986. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  988.      ________                      _________________
  989.      \       \                 _ __\               /
  990.  _____\__     \             \       ..dy mo za..  /
  991. /      __/    _______        \                   /
  992. \      \l     \     /_______ _·______  _______  /
  993.  \___        _     /\       |\       \/      /_________ _______ s3a~
  994.     /________\    /__\       /     \             _  __/_\__    \ ____________
  995.      -×6L    _            _ / ______\  /_____    /      ______ //    _.
  996.              /____________\       \  \/    __ _____\       \         \l
  997.                                    \                \       \ _______ \
  998.                                     \      /         \______ \        |______ _
  999.                                      \    /           ·       \
  1000.                                       \  /
  1001.                                        \/
  1002. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1003. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1004. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1005.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1006.               of          lp:16/48              /
  1007.            small                               /______  __
  1008.           .lines                  __________
  1009. ----------------                  forpleasure: evan.nah+mawi
  1010. ambiented-                ________________
  1011. SEA comapany@99           title: evan
  1012. ----------------     _____________   _
  1013.  BOXED                    size: 346       \\------------
  1014.    SET                      \            \
  1015.   1     __________________\
  1016. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1017. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1018.        __________                          _______
  1019.       /    _____/______ ____ _______ ______\___   \ ________ ._______
  1020.   -×6L      _/        /     \_.     \\      __/    \\       \l      /
  1021.        _ __           \      \l      /      \l            \  \      \:.
  1022.           /____________\ ______________  _______________ _ \_________\ s3a~
  1024. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1025. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1026. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1027.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1028.               of          lp:17/48              /
  1029.            small                               /______  __
  1030.           .lines                  __________
  1031. ----------------                  forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn
  1032. ambiented-                ________________
  1033. SEA comapany@99           title: five to one
  1034. ----------------     _____________   _
  1035.  BOXED                    size: 1482      \\------------
  1036.    SET                      \            \
  1037.   1     __________________\
  1038. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1039. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1040.            ][
  1041.            ][
  1042.            ][
  1043.            ][                        /\
  1044.            ][                       /  \
  1045.            ][                      /    \
  1046.            ][                     /      \  ..  F I V E   [ T O ]    O N E ..
  1047.            ][                    /        \
  1048.  , _____ _ ________             /          \
  1049.  |/       /     __/ ____ _.   _·___:        \ --------- -      -
  1050.  |       /      _l/(___//_|_ /     |________ _
  1051.  ·       \     .           /       |\       \/  _________
  1052.  |______\\\    | \\_______/\       l/        ///     ___/____
  1053.    -×6L   ·\___l            \_____ /      __/        _l
  1054.      __________  ________       ·:/_______\  __        ___//__ _                                               /________\
  1055.      \_      _///  _,   /_                        ·
  1056.       T      l     \|                          ·   \             s3a!
  1057.       |      |           __       _________.____\ .______.  _________
  1058.       ¦      · \________\\__ _  _/   _.   /|     \l      |//     ___/___ _
  1059.       .              ·               \|        \         ·       _l
  1060.            ][       /                     ______\       _|            ___ _
  1061.            ][      /      _      /________\      \______\ /________//___//_/
  1062.            ][     /_______\                       \      \
  1063.            []                            __        ·      \
  1064.     · the Masta phunkin Azkee (onquest ·  /________________\
  1065.            []
  1066.            ][
  1067.            ][
  1068.            ][
  1069.            ][
  1070. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1071. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1072. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1073.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1074.               of          lp:18/48              /
  1075.            small                               /______  __
  1076.           .lines                  __________
  1077. ----------------                  forpleasure: swonyo.cefalon
  1078. ambiented-                ________________
  1079. SEA comapany@99           title: grass
  1080. ----------------     _____________   _
  1081.  BOXED                    size: 643       \\------------
  1082.    SET                      \            \
  1083.   1     __________________\
  1084. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1085. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1086.                                         /\
  1087.                                        /  \
  1088.    _   _______                        /    \ s3a~                   _____
  1089.           ___/_____ ________ ________·_____ ______     ______       |   |
  1090.           \       /    _     \     _      //   __/____/   __/______ |   |
  1091.     _ ___________ \    /____/ \    \\    / \______    \______     / l___|
  1092.                  ________\     \____\           /     /    /     /   _ _
  1093.                           -×6L                 /_____/    /_____/   (___)
  1094.                                     __           ·
  1095.                                      /____________\
  1097. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1098. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1099. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1100.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1101.               of          lp:19/48              /
  1102.            small                               /______  __
  1103.           .lines                  __________
  1104. ----------------                  forpleasure: ash.apathy+decree
  1105. ambiented-                ________________
  1106. SEA comapany@99           title: greenday
  1107. ----------------     _____________   _
  1108.  BOXED                    size: 787       \\------------
  1109.    SET                      \            \
  1110.   1     __________________\
  1111. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1112. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1113.                          ·
  1114.          _ ___/________ /
  1115.              /     ___// ____________ ________ ________ ____  _______ _
  1116.             /    _/      \     _    //   ____//   ____//    |/
  1117.      _______\____\_      \     \___/ _   _/       _/        |    sea!
  1118.     /            ·/_______\     \  _\/_________________\\       ___ __
  1119.    |  -×6L _____         | ______\                     ·;\_____\\__\  \
  1120.    ·       \    \                 __¦_________                        .
  1121.    ,   _____\___ \  _ _________ ____|__      /                        ,
  1122.    |  /       _/  \\/   _.      \     /     / · g r ee n   d a y ·    |
  1123.    l_ \_      l   //    \|     _     /    _/ _                    ____l
  1124.     /_ /_________//      \ ____\  _______ ) _/____________________\
  1125.                  ·:\_______\
  1126. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1127. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1128. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1129.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1130.               of          lp:2o/48              /
  1131.            small                               /______  __
  1132.           .lines                  __________
  1133. ----------------                  forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn
  1134. ambiented-                ________________
  1135. SEA comapany@99           title: index
  1136. ----------------     _____________   _
  1137.  BOXED                    size: 977       \\------------
  1138.    SET                      \            \
  1139.   1     __________________\
  1140. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1141. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1142.                                             /\
  1143.                                            /  \
  1144.                                      -×6L /    \
  1145.            -        -  --------  - ----  /      \
  1146.                                 _____   /        \ ------  ---- -     -
  1147.    ·    ___ ___.____ ,______:   \    \ · ________ \_______  _
  1148.     \__(__//___|    \|      |____\__  \\/    ___/__\      \\/            ·
  1149.      \                     /      _/   \     _l     \      \ ___________/
  1150.     /\\        ___\        \_     7   _/_            \      \\         /
  1151.    /__\\ ______\ ·:\_______\/_________\ \\___________/       /        /
  1152.         \                         ·      __       ·:/_______/       _/ s3a!
  1153.          ·                       /      _T              \ ·/________\
  1154.      -     --   ------------- - /_______\    I N D E X   \         /
  1155.                                                   _       \ - --------- --- -
  1156.                                                 -//________\
  1157. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1158. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1159. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1160.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1161.               of          lp:21/48              /
  1162.            small                               /______  __
  1163.           .lines                  __________
  1164. ----------------                  forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn
  1165. ambiented-                ________________
  1166. SEA comapany@99           title: init
  1167. ----------------     _____________   _
  1168.  BOXED                    size: 467       \\------------
  1169.    SET                      \            \
  1170.   1     __________________\
  1171. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1172. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1173.                                        _
  1174.     .________    _______               \\ I  N  I  T ·            ____
  1175.     |       / __/______/_ _____ :____. ________   ,______. _______\  /
  1176.     ð      _ /           Y     \l    |/_ _____/_ _i      |_          _\
  1177.     l______\\\________   ¦      \    ·           \_      _/_      _,-`
  1178.                      /_______\      _7_______     /      7//______\ sea!
  1179.                             ·:\_____\      ·/____/ _____/ -×6L
  1181. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1182. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1183. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1184.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1185.               of          lp:22/48              /
  1186.            small                               /______  __
  1187.           .lines                  __________
  1188. ----------------                  forpleasure: swonyo.cefalon
  1189. ambiented-                ________________
  1190. SEA comapany@99           title: korbol
  1191. ----------------     _____________   _
  1192.  BOXED                    size: 496       \\------------
  1193.    SET                      \            \
  1194.   1     __________________\
  1195. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1196. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1197.             ________
  1198.     _  ____/       /         _____________                    .______
  1199.           /       / ________ _    _      /______  s3a~        |      \
  1200.                  /           /    /_____/      /    __________|       \
  1201.     ______\      \    /     /       \      ___/____\\   __    \        \_
  1202.       -×6L \____  \   ____ /  _____  \     \        \\ _______ \ ______ /
  1203.                                       \---- \        \          \
  1204.                                        ·    /________/
  1205. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1206. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1207. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1208.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1209.               of          lp:23/48              /
  1210.            small                               /______  __
  1211.           .lines                  __________
  1212. ----------------                  forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn
  1213. ambiented-                ________________
  1214. SEA comapany@99           title: logos
  1215. ----------------     _____________   _
  1216.  BOXED                    size: 748       \\------------
  1217.    SET                      \            \
  1218.   1     __________________\
  1219. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1220. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1221.                          /\
  1222.                         /  \
  1223.                        /    \                   ,               ·
  1224.    _____ ______       /      \   -= L  O  G  O  ) =-           /
  1225.   ¦      T     \   _________  ·_____          _________ ______/
  1226.   |      |      \\/   _    /_/    _/_______ ./   _    //   __/______ _ __
  1227.   ·      l_      \_   \           \_       \T    \     \_____      /     \
  1228.   l___//__/_______/       ___     _7       _l__        _ _ 7      /.      \
  1229.                ·:/________\ /     \\_______\_ /_______/ ///      /:      _l
  1230.                 /   _      /_______\·                    /______///______\
  1231.                /____\               \                   /
  1232.                                      ·                 ·
  1233. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1234. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1235. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1236.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1237.               of          lp:24/48              /
  1238.            small                               /______  __
  1239.           .lines                  __________
  1240. ----------------                  forpleasure: lothar.moons
  1241. ambiented-                ________________
  1242. SEA comapany@99           title: lothar
  1243. ----------------     _____________   _
  1244.  BOXED                    size: 360       \\------------
  1245.    SET                      \            \
  1246.   1     __________________\
  1247. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1248. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1249.        ____     -×6L     ______
  1250.       |    \ _________ _|      |_ ____     ____________.______________
  1251.       |     \\    _    \_      _/     |____\     _.    |T      _     /
  1252.       l_     \_   \     |      T     _      \    \l    ||     /_____/
  1253.        /_____ / _______ |      |-----/______ \    \____l|_______\   s3a~
  1254.                         ·      ¦              \____\
  1255. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1256. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1257. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1258.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1259.               of          lp:25/48              /
  1260.            small                               /______  __
  1261.           .lines                  __________
  1262. ----------------                  forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn
  1263. ambiented-                ________________
  1264. SEA comapany@99           title: lumen
  1265. ----------------     _____________   _
  1266.  BOXED                    size: 302       \\------------
  1267.    SET                      \            \
  1268.   1     __________________\
  1269. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1270. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1271.                  ·
  1272.          _______/
  1273.          \     /_____ _____._____ ____  ______  _____ _____ .______
  1274.           \   /     /     /|     /    \/      //    //     \|
  1275.           /________/_ __ /-'   _____\    /   _    _/   _       ___
  1276.          /  -×6L'sea   /_______\     \__/----/_________\\\_____\_\
  1277.         ·
  1278. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1279. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1280. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1281.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1282.               of          lp:26/48              /
  1283.            small                               /______  __
  1284.           .lines                  __________
  1285. ----------------                  forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn
  1286. ambiented-                ________________
  1287. SEA comapany@99           title: math
  1288. ----------------     _____________   _
  1289.  BOXED                    size: 580       \\------------
  1290.    SET                      \            \
  1291.   1     __________________\
  1292. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1293. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1294.                         /\
  1295.                        /  \
  1296.            ___;       /    \          ._______,         ·
  1297.           /   T__________ __·_________|       l_ ______/  s3a!
  1298.        _ /    |\        //    _.     \_       _//     /____________
  1299.        \/     l/              \l    _|l       T _   ._            /
  1300.        \_____\/                \____\ll_______l//___l/          _/
  1301.         -×6L /__________//_____ \·                ·:/___________\
  1302.                 ·                \                 /
  1303.                /      _            __ m A t h __  ·
  1304.               /_______\
  1305. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1306. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1307. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1308.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1309.               of          lp:27/48              /
  1310.            small                               /______  __
  1311.           .lines                  __________
  1312. ----------------                  forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn
  1313. ambiented-                ________________
  1314. SEA comapany@99           title: mavey
  1315. ----------------     _____________   _
  1316.  BOXED                    size: 691       \\------------
  1317.    SET                      \            \
  1318.   1     __________________\
  1319. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1320. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1321.                  /\
  1322.                 /  \
  1323.                /    \
  1324.               /      \     ¢  M  A  V  E  Y  ¢
  1325.        ___;  /        \            ___,
  1326.       /   T_·_______ __\_________ /   |         __________
  1327.    _ /    |\       //    _.     T/    |_______//      ___/__ _______ s3a!
  1328.  _ \/     l/             \|    _|     l\       /      _/    \\     T_______
  1329.  \_\_____\/               \____\l _____/        \ _                |\_     \
  1330.          /_________//_____ \        ·;/_________///__________________/     /
  1331.   -×6L ·                    \        /          /                ·:/     _///__
  1332.       /       __             ·      ·                             /______\
  1333.      /________\
  1334. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1335. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1336. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1337.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1338.               of          lp:28/48              /
  1339.            small                               /______  __
  1340.           .lines                  __________
  1341. ----------------                  forpleasure: azzaro.mawi+embassy
  1342. ambiented-                ________________
  1343. SEA comapany@99           title: amiga
  1344. ----------------     _____________   _
  1345.  BOXED                    size: 466       \\------------
  1346.    SET                      \            \
  1347.   1     __________________\
  1348. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1349. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1350.     _______
  1351.     \      \  ___________  -×6L
  1352.  ___ \      \/          /__________________ ________           ___________
  1353.       \  \              \\      _         //        /\-------- \   _ _____\
  1354. __ __ /__ \    /          \     \\       //        /  \
  1355.            \  /----------  \_____\      /           /\________             ___
  1356.             \/                         /  _________/          /____________\
  1357.                                                      s3a~
  1358. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1359. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1360. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1361.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1362.               of          lp:29/48              /
  1363.            small                               /______  __
  1364.           .lines                  __________
  1365. ----------------                  forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn
  1366. ambiented-                ________________
  1367. SEA comapany@99           title: music
  1368. ----------------     _____________   _
  1369.  BOXED                    size: 526       \\------------
  1370.    SET                      \            \
  1371.   1     __________________\
  1372. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1373. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1375.   ____ _ ___:                           ·
  1376. ./      /   l_________ ____. -×6L _____/
  1377. [    _ /    |\       //    |_____/   _/______ ________ _________ __ _ _______
  1378. |    \/     T/      _      l\    \_____     //_ _____//   .____/___          |
  1379. ·    \_____\/       \______`-\    _/ /     / _        \   l _     / s3a!  ¦  ·
  1380. |  _     ·:/_________\    /_______\ /_____/_//_________/   //____/      .;¦ _|
  1381. |__/            ___ _ \            /                 ·/______\  /___//______\
  1382.   /_____________\      \          ·  M U S I (
  1384. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1385. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1386. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1387.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1388.               of          lp:3o/48              /
  1389.            small                               /______  __
  1390.           .lines                  __________
  1391. ----------------                  forpleasure: evan.mawi+nah
  1392. ambiented-                ________________
  1393. SEA comapany@99           title: nahkolor
  1394. ----------------     _____________   _
  1395.  BOXED                    size: 1406      \\------------
  1396.    SET                      \            \
  1397.   1     __________________\
  1398. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1399. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1400.                                                              _______:
  1401.                                          .______            l       |
  1402.                                 _     ___|      \ __________|    __ |_______
  1403.                                                  \\     _    \   \__        \
  1404.                                 -×6L                    \     \    \l       /
  1405.                          ·       ______ ____\          __\_____\    \  _   /
  1406.             _______       \     /     /      \________\      ________  /__ \
  1407.    _______ /      / _______\__ /     /      __________ _____/__      /
  1408.   _\      /      /    _     \ /     /_ ____/    _     /       /_____/  \
  1409.         _/    __/     \      \      /           \     \       \         \
  1410.         \     \             __\__  /      \          _ \    ___\ sea~ \  ·
  1411.  ____    \     \ ___________\  \  /_______/ _________\  \              \
  1412.     /_____\_    \    _    _    _·    _    _    _   _    _   _   _    _  ·
  1413.          _ /_____\  |N|  |A|  |h|   |K|  |O|  |l| |O|  |R| |i| |Z|  |m|  9  9
  1414.          \_          ¯    ¯    ¯     ¯    ¯    ¯   ¯    ¯   ¯   ¯    ¯    \
  1415.           |    _                           _                       ________\
  1416.           |    \ _________________________ /                       |
  1417.           |_____\                         /            --\---------|
  1418.                                          /________________\
  1419. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1420. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1421. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1422.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1423.               of          lp:31/48              /
  1424.            small                               /______  __
  1425.           .lines                  __________
  1426. ----------------                  forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn
  1427. ambiented-                ________________
  1428. SEA comapany@99           title: nelson
  1429. ----------------     _____________   _
  1430.  BOXED                    size: 541       \\------------
  1431.    SET                      \            \
  1432.   1     __________________\
  1433. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1434. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1435.                                              ·
  1436.                                             /
  1437.      ______ .______ _ ________ ____________/_ _________ ______ .______
  1438.      l     \l     T///   ____///   /     _/_\\    _    \l     \l     T
  1439.      |_     \     |      _/  ./    \______   \    \     T_     \     |
  1440.       /___\      _l_        _|_      |_ /     | _       |/___\      _l
  1441.        -×6L\_____\ /_______/__/_______//      |//_______|     \_____\
  1442.                                       /_______l s3a!
  1443.                                      /
  1444. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1445. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1446. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1447.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1448.               of          lp:32/48              /
  1449.            small                               /______  __
  1450.           .lines                  __________
  1451. ----------------                  forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn
  1452. ambiented-                ________________
  1453. SEA comapany@99           title: overview
  1454. ----------------     _____________   _
  1455.  BOXED                    size: 1063      \\------------
  1456.    SET                      \            \
  1457.   1     __________________\
  1458. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1459. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1460.                                     /\
  1461.                                    /  \
  1462.                                   /    \
  1463.       _________ ___,        -×6L /      \
  1464.      /   _    //   |______ _ ___/____  __·_______  _ ____________
  1465.          \         \      \\/    ___/ /    _    /                |
  1466.    _ _        _    l\      \     _l  T     \___/                 ·
  1467.   /_//_______//_____/______/_       _|      \                   _T s3a!
  1468.                   ·/      ·:/______//|_______\\\________________\
  1469.       ___________ ·_____ _ ____,       ___ ____, ________  :______     ·
  1470.      |                    /    |______(__//____|/    ___/__|      /\----\
  1471.      ·  O V E R V I E W        \      \              _l    |     /  \    \
  1472.      L_                 __ _   l\      \_      ___         l_     /\______\
  1473.       /_____________ _   ///___ /_____ //______\·/_______ /_/____/:·       \
  1474.                                /                                            \
  1475.                               /                                              ·
  1476.                              ·
  1477. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1478. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1479. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1480.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1481.               of          lp:33/48              /
  1482.            small                               /______  __
  1483.           .lines                  __________
  1484. ----------------                  forpleasure: skid.ozone
  1485. ambiented-                ________________
  1486. SEA comapany@99           title: ozone
  1487. ----------------     _____________   _
  1488.  BOXED                    size: 378       \\------------
  1489.    SET                      \            \
  1490.   1     __________________\
  1491. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1492. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1493.       _________   _____
  1494.               /___\_   \ __________ _________      _________
  1495.         /    /   ______//         //        /______\   _____\
  1496.   _ _______ /       \       /    /      /  /       \    _/
  1497.            /________ \          / ____ /      _____/         -×6L's3a~
  1498.                       \        /      /_______\   /_______________ _    _
  1499.                        ·
  1500. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1501. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1502. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1503.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1504.               of          lp:34/48              /
  1505.            small                               /______  __
  1506.           .lines                  __________
  1507. ----------------                  forpleasure: skid.ozone
  1508. ambiented-                ________________
  1509. SEA comapany@99           title: ozn.diz
  1510. ----------------     _____________   _
  1511.  BOXED                    size: 526       \\------------
  1512.    SET                      \            \
  1513.   1     __________________\
  1514. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1515. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1516.                       /\
  1517.                     //  \
  1518.                    /     \
  1519.                   /       \  ozone99
  1520.        -------   /        _·____  ------- s3a~
  1521.         ._______/_ _______\_    \ ___  ______,
  1522.         |     _   \\     _______/    \l      |
  1523.         l_    \    \\      \      \         _|
  1524.          /___________\______\ _____\________\
  1525.             · -×6L              \
  1526.        --- /____________________ \  ---------- -
  1527.       |
  1528.       |
  1529.       |
  1530.       |
  1531.       |
  1532.       |_
  1533.        /_______________________________________ __
  1535. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1536. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1537. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1538.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1539.               of          lp:35/48              /
  1540.            small                               /______  __
  1541.           .lines                  __________
  1542. ----------------                  forpleasure: evan.mawi+nah
  1543. ambiented-                ________________
  1544. SEA comapany@99           title: pesti
  1545. ----------------     _____________   _
  1546.  BOXED                    size: 368       \\------------
  1547.    SET                      \            \
  1548.   1     __________________\
  1549. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1550. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1551.            ____________ _________   _____       .____
  1552.               _       //   _____/__/   _/_______|    |__ _____ _
  1553.          __   /______/   ____/     \_____      /      _/  ___//_)___
  1554.           /____ \ _____           ___  /      /       |            /
  1555.        -×6L's3a~ \    /___________\   /______  _______| ___________\
  1556.                   ·                  ·
  1557. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1558. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1559. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1560.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1561.               of          lp:36/48              /
  1562.            small                               /______  __
  1563.           .lines                  __________
  1564. ----------------                  forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn
  1565. ambiented-                ________________
  1566. SEA comapany@99           title: potion
  1567. ----------------     _____________   _
  1568.  BOXED                    size: 751       \\------------
  1569.    SET                      \            \
  1570.   1     __________________\
  1571. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1572. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1573.                            __________
  1574.  ______________ ________ _(          )_________ __  _______________  _____
  1575.  \      _     /   _.     \_          _/ ______//  )_    _.         \|     \.
  1576.   \     /____/    \l    · |          þ             /    \l          \     _|
  1577.    \      \        |     \           |            /      |       \        \_|
  1578.     \      \              \ _________| \ ________/____        ____\       _|
  1579.     /---    \---------/    \            \          ---------/   \  \______\
  1580.      -×6L ---\- -    _____  \                                    \
  1581.                                 - ------   ------   -         ____\ sea!
  1582.                             [··] WE BORN TO RULE 1999 [··]
  1583.                                   - --------------
  1584. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1585. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1586. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1587.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1588.               of          lp:37/48              /
  1589.            small                               /______  __
  1590.           .lines                  __________
  1591. ----------------                  forpleasure: ash.apathy+decree
  1592. ambiented-                ________________
  1593. SEA comapany@99           title: punk
  1594. ----------------     _____________   _
  1595.  BOXED                    size: 449       \\------------
  1596.    SET                      \            \
  1597.   1     __________________\
  1598. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1599. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1600.                                         ·
  1601.          _____________                 /                  ______
  1602.          \     _     /______    _____ /_____, ___ _ _____/     /
  1603.      -×6L \    /____//     /___]     //     |    \/     /     / sea!
  1604.       _   _\     \ _      /         /       l     ·   _/     /·   _   /
  1605.       \/___\\     \\\_____________ / ___\        _l__ \      \\___\  /
  1606.             /_____]  \            ·    ·:\_______\     \______\    \/
  1608. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1609. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1610. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1611.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1612.               of          lp:38/48              /
  1613.            small                               /______  __
  1614.           .lines                  __________
  1615. ----------------                  forpleasure: lothar.moons
  1616. ambiented-                ________________
  1617. SEA comapany@99           title: raider
  1618. ----------------     _____________   _
  1619.  BOXED                    size: 499       \\------------
  1620.    SET                      \            \
  1621.   1     __________________\
  1622. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1623. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1624.     _ ____________            ____
  1625.           _      /___________(_ __).     _____ -×6L
  1626.           /_____/    _      /      |_____\__  \  ______
  1627.         ____ \  \    \\ ___/  _____|     __/   \/   ___| ______________
  1628.                 \\____\                  \|    |    _l   __    _      /
  1629.                             s3a~   /___________|_         /    /_____/
  1630.                                                 /_________\       \
  1631.                                                                    \
  1632. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1633. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1634. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1635.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1636.               of          lp:39/48              /
  1637.            small                               /______  __
  1638.           .lines                  __________
  1639. ----------------                  forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn
  1640. ambiented-                ________________
  1641. SEA comapany@99           title: renton++
  1642. ----------------     _____________   _
  1643.  BOXED                    size: 1828      \\------------
  1644.    SET                      \            \
  1645.   1     __________________\
  1646. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1647. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1648.                  __________________ ___________________  _
  1649.                  \::::::::::::::::] [:::::::::::::::::/
  1650.                   \::\¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯·[::] [::]·¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯/::/
  1651.  _      __   _____ \:::        [::] [::]         /::/ _______ _
  1652.                     \:·        [::] [::]  ·     ·::·
  1653.        ___________         ·   [::] [::]  :_______, -×6L
  1654.  _____/__        /________/    [::] [::] _|       |_
  1655. /       / ______/   ____ / ______________\_       _/__________ _
  1656. \       \           _/    /       __      /       T/    _    ///__ _
  1657.  \   ____\     _          \       \l______\       |     \     _________________
  1658.   \            /__________ \_______\  .   |       ¦ _        /       __       /
  1659.    ·                       .         ::]  ·       : \_______\\       \l_______\
  1660.                     s3a! /::        [::]          .           \_______\
  1661.                         /::/        [::]                       \
  1662.                        /::/________.[::] -------------------------------- --
  1663.                       /::::::::::::::::] RENTON.FLOPPY+NAH-KOLOR+POTION
  1664.                       ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯` - ------------------------------  -
  1665.                        ·
  1666.            ________  ___\          ______,
  1667.   ________/_  ____/_T    \ _____ _|      l_ _________ _    ·
  1668.  /    __    /  _l   |     \\     \_      __\\   _.   \\\ ___\
  1669. T     \___ /        l_  \  \      l      T      \|      |    \ ______ ___ _
  1670. |_     \  _ ________ /___\       _|      |_      \      T     \\     \\__\\\
  1671.  /______\                 \_ __ _\        /_ __         |_  \  \
  1672.          \                   \_\\\\      ////_/----- --  /___\        _
  1673.           ·                        \    /      -×6L's3a!      \_______\
  1674.                                     \  /                       \
  1675.                                      \/                         ·
  1676. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1677. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1678. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1679.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1680.               of          lp:4o/48              /
  1681.            small                               /______  __
  1682.           .lines                  __________
  1683. ----------------                  forpleasure: roover.decree+apathy
  1684. ambiented-                ________________
  1685. SEA comapany@99           title: roover
  1686. ----------------     _____________   _
  1687.  BOXED                    size: 704       \\------------
  1688.    SET                      \            \
  1689.   1     __________________\
  1690. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1691. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1693.    __ _____________
  1694.             _     /__________ -×6L    ,_________
  1695.            /_____/    _     /________.|_        \ ________ ______________
  1696.     _ _____  \        /    //   _      /        /    ____/        _     /
  1697.           /______________       /     /        /    __/  _       /_____/
  1698.                         /_____________l_______/ _______  /______   \
  1699.                                                                /_________
  1700.                                                  s3a~
  1702. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1703. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1704. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1705.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1706.               of          lp:41/48              /
  1707.            small                               /______  __
  1708.           .lines                  __________
  1709. ----------------                  forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn
  1710. ambiented-                ________________
  1711. SEA comapany@99           title: skip
  1712. ----------------     _____________   _
  1713.  BOXED                    size: 512       \\------------
  1714.    SET                      \            \
  1715.   1     __________________\
  1716. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1717. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1718.                   ·
  1719.       -×6L  _____/    ______ _______ ________  ____________ ___________,
  1720.     ____ _·/   _/____\\    //      //_ _____/_\\    _     /            |
  1721.     \      \____      /  __/      /           \     /____/   S K I P   ·
  1722.     _\      _ /      /   \       / _ _________/ _     \               _|
  1723.     \_____////______/---- \______\ \         ·://______\\\____________\
  1724.             /                       \__\                \    s3a!
  1725.            ·                                             ·
  1726. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1727. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1728. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1729.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1730.               of          lp:42/48              /
  1731.            small                               /______  __
  1732.           .lines                  __________
  1733. ----------------                  forpleasure: voicer.oldbulls+void
  1734. ambiented-                ________________
  1735. SEA comapany@99           title: sniff.diz
  1736. ----------------     _____________   _
  1737.  BOXED                    size: 422       \\------------
  1738.    SET                      \            \
  1739.   1     __________________\
  1740. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1741. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1742.             _____
  1743.            /   _/_______ _____     _____  ______ ______ s3a~
  1744.        -×6L\______     /     /____(_ ___)  ____// ____/_____
  1745.           _     /     /     //     /    |   _/     _/      /  __
  1746.           /___ /_________/________ \  __| ____________________\
  1747.               /
  1748.           _                                                   _
  1749.         _//---------------------------------------------------\\_
  1750. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1751. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1752. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1753.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1754.               of          lp:43/48              /
  1755.            small                               /______  __
  1756.           .lines                  __________
  1757. ----------------                  forpleasure: voicer.oldbulls+void
  1758. ambiented-                ________________
  1759. SEA comapany@99           title: sniff
  1760. ----------------     _____________   _
  1761.  BOXED                    size: 1270      \\------------
  1762.    SET                      \            \
  1763.   1     __________________\
  1764. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1765. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1766.                          ______________________________________
  1767.                          \                                    /
  1768.       _______  -×6L's3a~  \     ssssssniiiiiff...            /
  1769.      /     _/____________  \                                /             _
  1770.      \                   \  \             _________        / -------------/
  1771. ----- \__________        /_______ .______(_ _______) _____·____
  1772.               /         /        \l                |/         /__________
  1773. _            /        _/          \                l     ____/_         /    _
  1774. /--------   / _______ \ _____\           __________|     \|   /    ____/_----\
  1775.            ·                  \__________\         |     ____/     \|   /
  1776.                                   \                |_     |  |     ____/
  1777.                                    \                /_____|  |_     |
  1778.                                     \             _           /_____|
  1779.                                      \            /
  1780.                                       \          /
  1781.                                        \        /
  1782.                                         \      /
  1783.                                          \    /
  1784.                                           \  /
  1785.                                            \/
  1786. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1787. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1788. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1789.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1790.               of          lp:44/48              /
  1791.            small                               /______  __
  1792.           .lines                  __________
  1793. ----------------                  forpleasure: evan.mawi+nah
  1794. ambiented-                ________________
  1795. SEA comapany@99           title: speed
  1796. ----------------     _____________   _
  1797.  BOXED                    size: 507       \\------------
  1798.    SET                      \            \
  1799.   1     __________________\
  1800. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1801. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1802.                ·                                         ______
  1803.       _  _____/                                          \     \
  1804.       \//   _/_______ __________ ________ _________  _____\_    \.
  1805.   -×6L  \______     /  _       //   _    /    _    //    __/     |  s3a~
  1806.        :    /      /   l______/_   /____/_   /____/ \_   \T    __l :
  1807.     ..::.  /      /  ____\     /______l  /______l    /_________\  .::..
  1808.  -0------ /______/ -----------------------------------------------------0-
  1809.          /
  1810.         ·
  1811. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1812. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1813. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1814.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1815.               of          lp:45/48              /
  1816.            small                               /______  __
  1817.           .lines                  __________
  1818. ----------------                  forpleasure: renton.flp+nah+ptn
  1819. ambiented-                ________________
  1820. SEA comapany@99           title: technical info
  1821. ----------------     _____________   _
  1822.  BOXED                    size: 899       \\------------
  1823.    SET                      \            \
  1824.   1     __________________\
  1825. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1826. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1827.   _____
  1828. _|     L_
  1829. \_     __\ _______ _________  _______ ___  _    _______________     ___ _______
  1830.  |     T      ___//   .____/_/      /_______                                   |
  1831.  |     |      _l  _   l             /      /   I N F O R M A T I O N E S S A   |
  1832.  l       _       //   ·       ____\     __/  _ _                               |
  1833.        ,//_______/ _________\ /_________\__\\_\\\               :____          ·
  1834.  ·              /     ,_____  _____  ________ _________         |    \   s3a! _|
  1835.  ¦        -×6L /      T     \l     l/_ _____//   .____/_,_______l_    \\\_____\
  1836.  |    _       /       |_  \  \     |        \_   l      T    _.   \    \_
  1837.  |___//      ·    _    /___\      _l ______ //   ·     _|    \|    \____/
  1838.     /__________ \\_\__/   ·;\_____\         /__________\|     \____/
  1839.                              \                         ·l______\
  1840.                               ·
  1841. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1842. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1843. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1844.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1845.               of          lp:46/48              /
  1846.            small                               /______  __
  1847.           .lines                  __________
  1848. ----------------                  forpleasure: the hooligan.dcs
  1849. ambiented-                ________________
  1850. SEA comapany@99           title: the hooligan
  1851. ----------------     _____________   _
  1852.  BOXED                    size: 844       \\------------
  1853.    SET                      \            \
  1854.   1     __________________\
  1855. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1856. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1857.            _______
  1858.        ___/      /_
  1859.        \_         /_______  ____________          ·
  1860.         /        /       /  \      _____\ _______/
  1861.        /________/     _ /_______    _/          /
  1862.               /      /         /               /________  __
  1863.   -×6L's3a~  /_______\         \ ______________\\ ______\\__\  ______    _
  1864. _____                 \________ \
  1865.  __ /_____ ________         ____ _________
  1866. /        //       /---------    \\  ______\_ ______
  1867. \        \   /   /    /          \         /      /             ______
  1868. -\________\     / ________/       \_ ______\   __/__ ___________\__   \  _____.
  1869.                /          ________ /           \_    \     _      /    \/     |
  1870.                                         _  __________ \    \\    /___\  \
  1871.                                                        \____\   /    -\_____\---
  1872. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1873. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1874. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1875.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1876.               of          lp:47/48              /
  1877.            small                               /______  __
  1878.           .lines                  __________
  1879. ----------------                  forpleasure: the hooligan.dcs
  1880. ambiented-                ________________
  1881. SEA comapany@99           title: weirdo
  1882. ----------------     _____________   _
  1883.  BOXED                    size: 514       \\------------
  1884.    SET                      \            \
  1885.   1     __________________\
  1886. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1887. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1888.     _____  ._____
  1889.    /    //\|    /__________ __________  ___________    _______  s3a~
  1890.   /     /  \    \    _____//_ _______/__   _      /____\ __   \ ___________
  1891.  /       /\______\    _/     _         /   /_____/      __/    \\    _     \---
  1892. /______ /      ___           \________ \_____\ _        \|     /     \
  1893.          -×6L    /____________\         \      /_______________\ _         __
  1894.                                          \                       /_________\
  1895.                                           ·
  1896. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1897. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1898. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1899.  wickedknights     ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯///
  1900.               of          lp:48/48              /
  1901.            small                               /______  __
  1902.           .lines                  __________
  1903. ----------------                  forpleasure: zito.offworld
  1904. ambiented-                ________________
  1905. SEA comapany@99           title: zito
  1906. ----------------     _____________   _
  1907.  BOXED                    size: 309       \\------------
  1908.    SET                      \            \
  1909.   1     __________________\
  1910. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetone
  1911. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1913.                 ·       _____
  1914.                  \______\_   \ _____   _____  _________. s3a~
  1915.          _ __     \    ______/(_____)_|     |_\   _    |.       _
  1916.             /______\     \          |\_     _/    \   _|||______\
  1917.      - ---- -×6L--- \_____\ ___ _  _l |_____T ________\ -------------- -
  1918.                      \
  1919.                       \
  1921. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1922. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  1923. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  1924. ----------------------  ¼¼¼¼  ---------------------------------------------------
  1925.                          ¼¼¼¼
  1926.                         ¼¼¼¼
  1927.                         ¼¼¼¼
  1928.                         ¼¼¼¼                               ¦                             ¦
  1929.                         ¼¼¼¼                              ¦                            ¦¦
  1930.                         ¼¼¼¼                              ¦                           ¦¦¦
  1931.                         ¼¼¼¼                             ¦¦                         ¦¦¦¦¦
  1932.                         ¼¼¼¼                            ¦¦¦                      ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1933.                         ¼¼¼¼           ¦                ¦¦¦                    ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1934.                         ¼¼¼¼           ¦              ¦¦¦¦¦                 ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1935.                          ¼¼¼¼          ¦¦             ¦¦¦¦¦               ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1936.                         ¼¼¼¼           ¦¦            ¦¦¦¦¦¦             ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1937.                         ¼¼¼¼           ¦¦      ¦    ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦           ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1938.  ,---.______                                        ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦         ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦·
  1939. _|         ¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯|¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1940. \_    Hej man! and what do you think now? Ehmmm... some piece of     |¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1941.  |  this azkii work was done some weeks ago but i had not            |¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1942. .|  any ideas to released it. At last the concept hit my head        |¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1943. ||  and I hope this collection will be usefully for you.             |¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1945. ||-/LOGOS THAN SEND YOUR PLEASURE AT THIS E-MAIL: roover@free.com.pl |¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1946. · /          _                             _                         |¦¦¦¦
  1947.  /-----------\\__XBALL.SATIVEMEA_in_1999__//_________________________|¦¦
  1948.                                       ¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦    ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1949.       t                               ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦    ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1950.       o                  ¦           ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦    ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1951.       z                  ¦            ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1952.       i                  ¦¦           ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1953.       e                  ¦¦      ¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1954.       l                 ¦¦¦     ¦¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1955.       o                 ¦¦¦     ¦ ¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1956.       n         ¦       ¦¦¦¦    ¦  ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1957.       e         ¦¦      ¦¦¦¦   ¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1958.       k          ¦¦     ¦¦¦¦   ¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1959.       o          ¦¦¦    ¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦    ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1960.       l           ¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦     ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦   ¦¦
  1961.       o           ¦¦¦¦   ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦        ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1962.       r            ¦¦¦¦  ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦        ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦
  1963.       o             ¦¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦       ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦
  1964.       w          ¦   ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦       ¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1965.       e           ¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦   ¦  ¦¦    ¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1966.       c            ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦       ¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1967.       a             ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦        ¦¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1968.       k                ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦          ¦¦¦¦     ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1969.       i                  ¦·   ¦¦            ¦¦¦¦     ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1970.       e                  ¦  ¦¦¦             ¦¦¦¦        ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1971.       m                  ¦ ¦¦               ¦¦¦¦           ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1972.       f                  ¦¦                ¦¦¦¦¦             ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1973.       a                 ¦¦                ¦¦  ¦¦                 ¦¦¦¦¦
  1974.       j                ¦¦¦              ¦¦¦   ¦¦                   ¦¦¦¦
  1975.       n               ¦¦ ¦¦_           ¦¦¦¦   ¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦     ¦¦       ¦¦¦
  1976.       e             ¦¦      ¦¦.       ¦¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦            ¦
  1977.       c           ¦¦    ¼    ·¦¦¦,,  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1978.       a                 ¼¼         ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1979.       l                 ¼¼¼         ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1980.       k                 ¼¼¼%        ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1981.       i                 ¼¼¼%       ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1982.       e                 ¼¼¼%       ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1983.       m                 ¼¼¼%       ¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1984.       z                 ¼¼¼%        ¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1985.       d                 ¼¼¼%        ¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1986.       r                 ¼¼¼%        ¦¦  ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦ ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1987.       o                 ¼¼¼%        ¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦   ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1988.       w                 ¼¼¼%        ¦¦    ¦¦¦¦¦¦    ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1989.       e                 ¼¼¼%              ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦      ¦¦¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1990.       .                 ¼¼¼%               ¦¦¦¦¦¦            ¦¦¦
  1991.       .                 ¼¼¼%                ¦¦¦¦¦¦
  1992.       .                 ¼¼¼%                 ¦¦¦¦¦
  1993.       .                 ¼¼¼%                  ¦¦¦¦¦
  1994.       .                 ¼¼¼%                   ¦¦¦¦
  1995.       .                 ¼¼¼%                     ¦¦
  1996.       .                 ¼¼¼¼
  1997.       .                 ¼¼¼¼
  1998.       .                 ¼¼¼¼
  1999.       .                 ¼¼¼¼
  2000.                         ¼¼¼¼
  2001. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2002. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  2003. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2004.                             ._____.__.
  2005.    ______.  ____________ ___|__  /__ |___    ____
  2006.    \  ___|__. __   / __/__ ___/ / _/ ___/__./ __/___.    c r e d i t s
  2007. .-- \  \    | _/ _/_.\___/_ \  /  |   \_   |\_____  | ----------------------.
  2008. |_cRb\______|_\_____|______/__/___|________|________|e^D. __________________|
  2011.                main artworking by: XBALL.SATIVEMEA
  2012.                -----------------------------------
  2013.                additional ascii work by:
  2014.                -------------------------
  2015.                           | azzaro/sativemea        - sativemea
  2016.                           | azzaro/sativemea        - index
  2017.                           | renton/sativemea        - xball
  2018.                           | chrombacher/epsilon d.  - credits
  2019. --------------------------| paszczak/ex.azkiness    - ascii respects ------------
  2020. music support:
  2021. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2022. prana "alienpets-freetibetmix" - transwave "thereawalker-blackthundermix"
  2023. quirk "lofiscifi" - joujouka "re-psyclegrequency" - digitalis "slotek"
  2024. prana "kollage" - sandman "ghostrider [timetunnel remix] - digitalis "dr.sembei"
  2025. ju-ju space jazz "whales"                     .
  2026. ----------------------------------------------|----------------------------------
  2027. software:                                     |
  2028. -----------                                   |
  2029. CygnusED Professional V3.5                    |
  2030. Spis 0.94 by: Inikep/confusion+venal+genetic  |
  2031. gfx2ascii v1.0                                |
  2032. ----------------------------------------------¦--- -
  2033.                                               .
  2034.      ____    ____      ____    __    __
  2035.    __\___¬. / __/___ __\_  ¬. _) ¬. _) ¬.  a s c i i   r e s p e c t s ...
  2036.  _/o· __/  \______ ¬Y   l____Y·    Y·    \_   _ _________________   ___    _
  2037.  \    \/   /    l/  .   |    .     .      / _____________________) (___) (_)
  2038.   `---.___/`--._/___j---.____j--.__j--.__//,                              ,
  2039.      ____      _____  ____       ___      _____   ____   ________  ____ .p)h
  2040.    __\_  ¬. __(____/ / __/___ ___\_ ¬. __(____/ __\_  ¬. )      ( / __/___
  2041.  _/   /  _/_o· __/__(______ ¬Yo· l/   Yo· __/__/   l____Y     _  (______ ¬\_
  2042.  \    _    /  '     .    l/  .   /____|  '     .   |    .__/  \__     l/   /
  2043.   `---/____\---.____j--._/___j--.___\ `---.____j---.____j /____\ `--._/___/
  2045.                       ----------------------------
  2046.   respects fly to following guys for quality'n experienced ascii fighting:
  2047.                       ----------------------------
  2048.            æazzaroærentonæreviæzaboraækempyælukæacidæbudgieækrsæ
  2049.            æchosenæcrusaderæfolarægdmæleunamænemesisæpointætaxiæ
  2050.              æsundanceæthefounderæxcluziweæpunkæmortimertwangæ
  2051. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2052. boxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxedsetoneboxe
  2053. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2054.                         ¼¼¼¼
  2055.                         ¼¼¼¼
  2056.                         ¼¼¼¼
  2057.                         ¼¼¼¼
  2058.                         ¼¼¼¼
  2060.  zbr\s3a-----------------\ /  _________    _______   ____  ___   ________
  2061.      _______     ________ / __\__   __/_ __\    _/-·-\   \/  /-+_\    __/__
  2062.  ____\    _/__ __\   _  /__\       /    |   \__/   |  \        |        ___|
  2063. |     \___    |      _      \--/________!-\________!---\_______|---\_______!
  2064. ·--\__________!------/_______\     ____  ____      ________     ________
  2065.                               \ ___\   \/   /---+__\    __/__ __\   _  /___
  2066.  _____________________________ \      \  /      |         ___|      _      |
  2067.  WICKED KNIGHTS OF SMALL LINES  \------\/|______!----\_______!------/______!
  2068.     ______    ______    ____     \\-----------------[.s.a.t.i.v.e. .m.e.a.]-
  2069.  -- AZZARO -- RENTON -- REVI --   \\
  2070.         ______    _______          \\          [ s p e c i a l   n - e w s ]
  2071.      -- X-BALL -- ZABORA! --                      |sponsored by ADIHASH(tm)|
  2074.  - Blaze changed his handle for Blejz, but finally few days later he moved for
  2075.    Renton. New tag: tøn'sea. Gee, a jednak wszystko jest po staremu... Znowu
  2076.    sië znatowaîem ;D
  2077.  - Revi got released his first colly under our name (sea-mysl.txt). Get it!
  2078.    He also changed the address, notice the new one instead of old!
  2079.  - Watch out at X-BALL carefully ;D
  2080.  - We are looking for more members/boards woldwide!
  2082.                      [ o f f i c i a l   r e l e a s e s   t i l l   n - o w ]
  2083.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2084.  no | shortcut     | full title               | artist    | date     | lenght
  2085.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2086.  ONE-NINE-NINE-EIGHT]. .[07 releases till now
  2087.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2088.  01 | sea-dubt.txt | dubitation               | renton    | 18/12/98 | 042.104
  2089.  02 | sea-neon.txt | neon flow                | azzaro    | 15/12/98 | 074.000
  2090.  03 | sea-orig.txt | origami                  | azzaro    | 20/12/98 | 116.314
  2091.  04 | sea-4a3.txt  | 456 alien 3              | azzaro    | 20/12/98 | 124.145
  2092.  05 | sea-blue.txt | portrait out of the blue | azzaro    | 20/12/98 | 106.000
  2093.  06 | sea-pulv.txt | pulverturm               | azzaro    | 20/12/98 | 108.000
  2094.  07 | sea-jtkn.txt | jak to kurwa nazwac?     | zabora    | 10/12/98 | 021.550
  2095.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2096.  ONE-NINE-NINE-NINE]. .[20 releases till now
  2097.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2098.  08 | sea-1pos.txt | 100 percent of shit      | renton    | 10/01/99 | 022.858
  2099.  09 | sea-1999.txt | najnhundretnajntynajn    | renton    | 11/01/99 | 048.361
  2100.  10 | sea-fngr.txt | finger                   | zabora    | 16/02/99 | 050.777
  2101.  11 | sea-zero.txt | zero remix               | azzaro    | 27/02/99 | 183.000
  2102.  12 | sea-psyl.txt | psilocybe semilanceta    | zabora    | 03/03/99 | 105.352
  2103.  13 | sea-ck01.txt | construction kit 01      | azzaro    | 06/03/99 | 047.733
  2104.  14 | sea-pead.txt | peanut head              | renton    | 05/04/99 | 080.548
  2105.  15 | sea-dobm.txt | dobberman                | azzaro    | 06/04/99 | 100.000
  2106.  16 | sea-kore.txt | klubbhead loop 89        | a+a+k+z   | 25/04/99 | 400.000
  2107.  17 | sea-time.txt | timelessness             | renton    | 03/05/99 | 048.663
  2108.  18 | sea-mysl.txt | myôl                     | revi      | 05/05/99 | 224.774
  2109.  19 | sea-nwor.txt | new order                | x-ball    | 10/05/99 | 112.547
  2110.  20 | sea-pace.txt | peace                    | renton    | 13/05/99 | 060.927
  2111.  21 | sea-mlem.txt | morning lemon            | az0!+tøn  | 16/05/99 | 100.436
  2112.  22 | sea-agpa.txt | age of panic             | renton    | 21/05/99 | 068.808
  2113.  23 | sea-dcry.txt | diskocit. rocks u bitch  | azzaro    | 06/06/99 | 192.593
  2114.  24 | sea-celi.txt | the celebration of the.  | renton    | 14/06/99 | 080.000
  2115.  25 | sea-adia.txt | aqua di azor             | azzaro    | 20/06/99 | 250.000
  2116.  26 | sea-xfl9.txt | ex-factor lite 99        | azzaro    | 27/06/99 | 117.541
  2117.  27 | sea-cdn.txt  | counting down        [g] | darkus    | 05/07/99 | 036.837
  2118.  28 | sea-garf.txt | garden my flies          | x-ball    | 07/07/99 | 156.007
  2119.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2120.  FURTHCOMING].
  2121.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2122.     | sea-mpf.txt  | multiplastikk micro form | azzaro    | xx/xx/99 | xxx.xxx
  2123.     | sea-hack.txt | hacka                    | zabora    | xx/xx/99 | xxx.xxx
  2124.     | sea-0004.txt | numer 0004               | revi      | xx/xx/99 | xxx.xxx
  2125.     | sea-alis.txt | alice on da second side..| az0!+tøn  | xx/xx/99 | xxx.xxx
  2126.     | sea-wbar.txt | whiskey bar              | renton    | xx/xx/99 | xxx.xxx
  2127.     | sea-near.txt | not to touch the earth   | renton    | xx/07/99 | xxx.xxx
  2128.     | sea-5to1.txt | five to one              | renton    | xx/07/99 | xxx.xxx
  2129.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2130.  total number of collections: 026           total lenght in bytes: 002.997.192
  2131.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2132.                                                      [ s - t a t i s t i c s ]
  2133.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2134.                          actual members productivity:
  2136.      azzaro ---------- 12 ascii collections, 10 own made, 02 cooperations
  2137.      renton ---------- 09 ascii collections, 08 own made, 01 cooperations
  2138.      revi ------------ 01 ascii collections, 01 own made, 00 cooperations
  2139.      twister --------- 00 ascii collections, 00 own made, 00 cooperations
  2140.      x-ball ---------- 02 ascii collections, 02 own made, 00 cooperations
  2141.      zabora! --------- 04 ascii collections, 03 own made, 01 cooperations
  2143.                          guest collections released:
  2145.       acid ------------ 01 ascii collection, 00 own made, 01 cooperation
  2146.       darkus ---------- 01 ascii collection, 01 own made, 00 cooperation
  2147.       kempy ----------- 01 ascii collection, 00 own made, 01 cooperation
  2148.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2149.                                                            [ c - o n t a c t ]
  2150.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2151.            azzaro - tommy wisniewski · szeroka 35/8 · 75-814 koszalin · poland
  2152.                                            e-mail: zorka19@puma.tu.koszalin.pl
  2154.                   renton - pat kalinowski · p.o.box 3 · 21-200 parczew · poland
  2156.             revi - sly ostruszka · sw. jerzego 7a/17 · 43-400 cieszyn · poland
  2157.                                                      e-mail: revi@mailcity.com
  2159.            twister - bart ptaszynski · robotnicza 2 · 14-530 frombork · poland
  2161.            x-ball - mark nowacki · dabrowskiego 66/7 · 41-500 chorzow · poland
  2163.           zabora - gregor zaborowski · balonowa 5/17 · 54-129 wroclaw · poland
  2164.                                            e-mail: zabora@kret.ifd.uni.wroc.pl
  2166.                      call SEA polish headquarter: DA SECT BBS - +48-91-4879493
  2167.                     look oficial SEA web page: http://kret.ifd.uni.wroc.pl/sea
  2168.  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2169.                     typed by renton'sative mea, psychikal kreation at 05/07/99
  2170.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2172.            ._____.
  2173.  _________ |¯    :      ________[staff] prefix/appendix - ufok/appendix
  2174. |¯    __ /_|   __|____._\   ___/      [MASTER] madbart/appendix
  2175. |______(       \__   ¬:    __>___:___________________ ___ _
  2176.      /¯          /         \    ¯|
  2177.     /      .    /       _      _  [a1240T/603e/240MHz/quantum 1.3gb/4*cdrom]
  2178.    /_______:---/______.-)______(------------------------------------- -- -
  2179.                           _______   ________   ________   _________.______
  2180.  [node 0] +48-91-4879493 /¯  ___/_._\   ___/ ._\  ____/_._\  _    ¬·      |
  2181.        _ ___ __________._\____   ¬:    ___>  :    \    ¬:   /______.      |
  2182. [open]                 |     /         \                      ¯\nd!:______:
  2183.    22-13/week 22-10 cet  _          _          _          _     \  |¯     |
  2184. - ------- -------------:-)________.-)________.-)________:-)______\ |______|
  2185.  [node 1] telnet
  2186.  [node 2] telnet  [appendix] [pic saint loup] [da jormas] [teklords]
  2187.                   [floppy] [kore] [linear] [old bulls] [sative mea]
  2188.                   [dinx project] [mawi]
  2189. e0f-----------------------------------------------------------------------------